TRANCE Healing Session 30 minute
TRANCE Healing Session 30 minute
Powerful, life changing healing session!
Service Description
Experience something that you never dreamed possible. You have the opportunity to speak to your Spirit Team to get insights as to how to heal emotional wounds and perform an amazing 'tune up/repair' on the physical body as well.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel appointment, we require 24 hour notice that will be confirmed in an email. If you cancel your appointment without 24 hours notice you will NOT be refunded. You may be given the opportunity to allow someone to use that timeslot that was provided for you. You do have the opportunity to change your in-office session to a Zoom call within an hour of your session without penalty. You keep the same time slot just altering the location of the appointment. However, you do not have the ability to change your Zoom Call to In-Office last minute without permission. Thanks for your understanding.
Contact Details
Woodstock, ON, Canada